leaning on the ramparts
It has been raining these few days. Everything seems rather bleak(hehe.. neesh, if ur reading this, dont laugh! i insist! =P). Strong wind blowing from south to north. Trees waving their branches praising Spirit in the sky for this wonderful blessing. Little kiut froggies forming a powerful choir singing their perfectly orchestrated rhythm aloud to welcome the beautiful tune of raindrops on the tin roof. Overwhelmed with soaking wetness, the sky started to break up and gliding over to the southern sky. I've been very much involved in getting everything done in a slow-mo. Maybe it's me. Not something that I'm proud of but at least I finished it. Well done, boy..
Been caught up with tons of work these past few weeks. Went back last week and been a good homecoming, really. Met her for a quiet celebration(not!.. heehee. thanks very much, cherry pie). And packed myself with meet-ups with alil bit of here and there, bits and pieces.. multiplied with infinity. %&^#@%#^*!!.. I must say that things which we planned much earlier would somehow turn out to be a blessing in disguise when it didnt happen or at least given credit that it MUST happen, but didnt happen. Mien! I missed the good old days when boredom strikes, I could just hit the keypads and meet up somewhere for a drink or watever. Life was much easier back then. Somehow I dont feel that anymore when I go back. So much has changed. And I tell to myself if I dont keep up with this pace, I would never catch up. Then again, am thankful to think that I am here for a purpose or rather subjective if you put it in a way. That growing up or as a citizen of this planet earth, one must have a education certificate to tell the world that I AM EDUCATED. Standards of this world were mostly set by people like us and it is sad to see that we are applying these pressure on ourselves. Chinese family are taught to educate their children so that they could brag to their neighbours about their pathetic kids doing well and berjaya but also suffering in this 'elsewhere'. Yeahh so what if they have laboured hard enough before us? But the thought of trying to purchase that license to work in a particular field/organization requires hard labour and consistency to pursue and toil for this piece of paper whichever/however they brand it. We are living in a cruel society. That is a fact. Yet we deny it everytime when we ourselves are being cruel. Its a never ending cycle. And it will keep on going, with no break, until this world is doom.
Last 3 weeks, attended Sunway Monash Christian Fellowship twice. And somehow the sermons are connected. In one way or another. Will elaborate once I'm done with analytical judgement on how I perceive/conclude them.

A sneak preview. Heehee.. Notice the kiut preacher.
The world is sleeping and I am still wide awake. Thinking. DO I have a cause to live/fight for? Anyway
Reading 3 books at once is not a good idea at all. Not at all.
Currently reading: Exodus
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